
Does anyone have an extension method to quickly convert the types in a LinkedList<T> using a Converter<TInput, TOutput>?

I'm a bit surprised, where is the ConvertAll<TOutput>(delegate)?

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The ConvertAll equivalent in extension methods for Linq is called Select!

var result = myLinkedList.Select(x => FancyCalculationWith(x))


Depends on what you want to get out of it, but you can use Cast then enumerate through the resulting IEnumerable.

  public class Foo

  public class Bar : Foo

  var list = new LinkedList<Bar>();
  .... make list....

  foreach (var foo in list.Cast<Foo>())

As tvanfosson says it is possible to Cast<T> but if you want to avoid an InvalidCastException you can use the OfType<T> extension method which will silently pass over and items in the list that fail the conversion to the type of the generic type parameter you supply.

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