
I try to install via CocoaPods AFNetworking 2.0 but got this message

[!] Invalid `AFNetworking.podspec` file: undefined method `social_media_url=' for #<Pod::Specification name="AFNetworking">. Updating CocoaPods might fix the issue.

 #  from /Users/mac/.cocoapods/repos/master/AFNetworking/2.2.0/AFNetworking.podspec:7
 #  -------------------------------------------
 #    s.homepage = ''
 >    s.social_media_url = ''
 #    s.authors  = { 'Mattt Thompson' => '' }
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As jervine10 said you need to update CocoaPods. [sudo] gem install cocoapods

Edit: It's also worth noting that until CocoaPods reaches 1.0 changes are made very quickly. It's always worth making sure you're up to date when you're having issues.

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