
I am programming a SelectOneMenu in an overlayPanel. The problem is that the selected value is always null in the bean. The setter method is not called, so i think that the SelectOneMenu is not submitted when i select an item.

Here is my page:

    <p:overlayPanel id="OverLayPanelNewRole" for="buttonAddRole">

                <p:selectOneMenu id="SelectOneMenuRoles" value="#{userSettingBean.selectedRole}" 
                onchange="submit()" immediate="true">

                   <f:selectItems value="#{userSettingBean.roleList}" var="role" itemLabel="#{role.NAME}" style="width:100%"/>


My Managed Bean:

@ManagedBean(name = "userSettingBean")
public class UserSettingBean implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7579402702068562565L;

    @ManagedProperty(value= "#{roleServiceImpl}")
    private RoleService roleService; 

    private List<Role> roleList;
    private Role selectedRole;

    public void init(){

        //init Roles for selection in overlayPanel

    public RoleService getRoleService() {
        return roleService;

    public void setRoleService(RoleService roleService) {
        this.roleService = roleService;

    public List<Role> getRoleList() {
        return roleList;

    public void setRoleList(List<Role> roleList) {
        this.roleList = roleList;

    public Role getSelectedRole() {
        return selectedRole;

    public void setSelectedRole(Role selectedRole) {
        this.selectedRole = selectedRole;

Can anybody help me with this problem?

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To summarize the comments, removing immediate="true" corrected the issue in this case. However, using onchange="submit()" should be replaced with <f:ajax> if using jsf 2.0+. See the relevant post here:

h:selectOneMenu onchange="submit()" immediate="true" does not skip validation of other inputs

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