
How can I get all the options of a select through jQuery by passing on its ID?

I am only looking to get their values, not the text.

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$("#id option").each(function()
    // Add $(this).val() to your list

.each() | jQuery API Documentation


I don't know jQuery, but I do know that if you get the select element, it contains an 'options' object.

var myOpts = document.getElementById('yourselect').options;
alert(myOpts[0].value) //=> Value of the first option

$.map is probably the most efficient way to do this.

var options = $('#selectBox option');

var values = $.map(options ,function(option) {
    return option.value;

You can add change options to $('#selectBox option:selected') if you only want the ones that are selected.

The first line selects all of the checkboxes and puts their jQuery element into a variable. We then use the .map function of jQuery to apply a function to each of the elements of that variable; all we are doing is returning the value of each element as that is all we care about. Because we are returning them inside of the map function it actually builds an array of the values just as requested.

Some answers uses each, but map is a better alternative here IMHO:

$("select#example option").map(function() {return $(this).val();}).get();

There are (at least) two map functions in jQuery. Thomas Petersen's answer uses "Utilities/"; this answer uses "Traversing/map" (and therefore a little cleaner code).

It depends on what you are going to do with the values. If you, let's say, want to return the values from a function, map is probably the better alternative. But if you are going to use the values directly you probably want each.

$('select#id').find('option').each(function() {
$("#id option").each(function()
    $(this).prop('selected', true);

Although, the CORRECT way is to set the DOM property of the element, like so:

$("#id option").each(function(){
    $(this).attr('selected', true);

This will put the option values of #myselectbox into a nice clean array for you:

// First, get the elements into a list
var domelts = $('#myselectbox option');

// Next, translate that into an array of just the values
var values = $.map(domelts, function(elt, i) { return $(elt).val();});

You can take all your "selected values" by the name of the checkboxes and present them in a sting separated by ",".

A nice way to do this is to use jQuery's $.map():

var selected_val = $.map($("input[name='d_name']:checked"), function(a)
        return a.value;


Working example

The most efficient way to do this is to use $.map()


var values = $.map($('#selectBox option'), function(ele) {
   return ele.value; 

You can use following code for that:

var assignedRoleId = new Array();
$('#RolesListAssigned option').each(function(){

For multiselect option:

$('#test').val() returns list of selected values. $('#test option').length returns total number of options (both selected and not selected)

This is a simple Script with jQuery:

var items = $("#IDSELECT > option").map(function() {
    var opt = {};
    opt[$(this).val()] = $(this).text();
    return opt;
var selectvalues = [];

for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    for(key in items[i]) {

        var id = key;
        var text = items[i][key];

        item = {}
        item ["id"] = id;
        item ["text"] = text;


  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

Here is a simple example in jquery to get all the values, texts, or value of the selected item, or text of the selected item

$('#nCS1 > option').each((index, obj) => {

printOptionValues = () => {

  $('#nCS1 > option').each((index, obj) => {


printOptionTexts = () => {
  $('#nCS1 > option').each((index, obj) => {

printSelectedItemText = () => {
  console.log($('#nCS1 option:selected').text());

printSelectedItemValue = () => {
  console.log($('#nCS1 option:selected').val());
<script src=""></script>
<select size="1" id="nCS1" name="nCS1" class="form-control" >
					<option value="22">Australia</option>
          <option value="23">Brunei</option>
          <option value="33">Cambodia</option>
          <option value="32">Canada</option>
          <option value="27">Dubai</option>
          <option value="28">Indonesia</option>
          <option value="25">Malaysia</option>				
<input type='button' onclick='printOptionValues()' value='print option values' />
<input type='button' onclick='printOptionTexts()' value='print option texts' />
<input type='button' onclick='printSelectedItemText()' value='print selected option text'/>
<input type='button' onclick='printSelectedItemValue()' value='print selected option value' />




To see the results:


If you're looking for all options with some selected text then the below code will work.

$('#test').find("select option:contains('B')").filter(":selected");
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