
We are using a Ubuntu+nginx+php5-fpm combination on our servers with PHP version being 5.5. We are trying to run index.php which includes a bunch of phar files. Something like:

include "a.phar";
include "b.phar";

When this script is run from the command line PHP, it works fine. When this is run from either php Development server (php -S) or from nginx, we get the following error:

2013/11/18 17:56:06 [error] 14384#0: *597 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class Extract_Phar in b.phar on line 103

I don't have a class called Extract_Phar - so I presume that my build process is adding it somewhere along the way. I have used phing to build the same, just in case that helps. The phing target is:

<target name="phar" depends="prepare">
  <pharpackage destfile="./build/phar/LogUtils.phar" 
  <fileset dir="./build/intophar/">
    <include name="*.*" />
    <include name="**/**" />
    <element name="version" value="1.0" />
    <element name="authors">
       <element name="Shreeni">
         <element name="e-mail" value="" />

And the index.php in my intophar folder is something like:

// Other relative include statements

I have played around with apc flags based on other answers and have set the following:

apc.include_once_override = 0 
apc.canonicalize = 0 
apc.stat = 0
apc.cache_by_default = 0

None of this helps and we are unable to run our code. ANy suggestions?

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The problem might be happening because of conflicting stubs in your various phar files. Try:

include "phar://a.phar/index.php"; // Assuming that the stub is index.php
include "phar://b.phar/index.php"; // Assuming that the stub is index.php
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