
After testing clean install of Symfony 2.3 inside vagrant with Ubuntu 12.04.4 and 14.04 like this:

composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition login_not_working 2.3.*

update vendors:

composer install

edit app_dev.php like this, on first line after <?php for permissions:

umask(0000); // This will let the permissions be 0777

go to:

i click nice green button with RUN THE DEMO text and try to login with user/userpass or admin/adminpass. Symfony redirects me to: 

and in the profiler i see very impressive message You are not authenticated. and with the extremly impressive red button too :D

This is just for testing and in actual application happens the same thing but on different setup... there i am using SonataUserBundle that extends FOSUserBundle...but it behaves the same...

I cleared cookies over, at least, 3 different browsers, clean cache with console and manually,...yada yada...

It smells like something with my vagrant box setup with/or/and a little flavor of permissions or maybe even sessions or ... boy is this kinky or what?


So, i uploaded both apps (clean test and my actual app with SonataUserBundle) to my VPS and both are workin' fine. Still, on few of my vagrant boxes authentication is not working?

And app/check.php output:

$ php app/check.php

 OK       PHP version must be at least 5.3.3 ( installed)
 OK       PHP version must not be 5.3.16 as Symfony wont work properly with it
 OK       Vendor libraries must be installed
 OK       app/cache/ directory must be writable
 OK       app/logs/ directory must be writable
 OK       date.timezone setting must be set
 OK       Configured default timezone "Europe/Berlin" must be supported by your installation of PHP
 OK       json_encode() must be available
 OK       session_start() must be available
 OK       ctype_alpha() must be available
 OK       token_get_all() must be available
 OK       simplexml_import_dom() must be available
 OK       detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini
 OK       xdebug.show_exception_trace must be disabled in php.ini
 OK       xdebug.scream must be disabled in php.ini
 OK       PCRE extension must be available

** Optional recommendations **

 OK       xdebug.max_nesting_level should be above 100 in php.ini
 OK       Requirements file should be up-to-date
 OK       You should use at least PHP 5.3.4 due to PHP bug #52083 in earlier versions
 OK       When using annotations you should have at least PHP 5.3.8 due to PHP bug #55156
 OK       You should not use PHP 5.4.0 due to the PHP bug #61453
 OK       When using the logout handler from the Symfony Security Component, you should have at least PHP 5.4.11 due to PHP bug #63379 (as a workaround, you can also set invalidate_session to false in the security logout handler configuration)
 OK       You should use PHP 5.3.18+ or PHP 5.4.8+ to always get nice error messages for fatal errors in the development environment due to PHP bug #61767/#60909
 OK       PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (8.12 installed)
 OK       PHP-XML module should be installed
 OK       mb_strlen() should be available
 OK       iconv() should be available
 OK       utf8_decode() should be available
 OK       posix_isatty() should be available
 OK       intl extension should be available
 OK       intl extension should be correctly configured
 OK       intl ICU version should be at least 4+
 OK       a PHP accelerator should be installed
 OK       short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini
 OK       magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini
 OK       register_globals should be disabled in php.ini
 OK       session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini
 OK       PDO should be installed
 OK       PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: mysql, sqlite)
Was it helpful?


So, anyway, to answer my own question (kind of) and for the audience...thank you i'm fine... ;)

I configured Symfony to store sessions in memcached and that seems to resolve the problem (kind of). I'll test this on another machine/vagrant to confirm this :D

This "(kinf of)" is whole another story, but i'll leave that for another time :D


I tested this on 2 more vagrant boxes and storing sessions to memcached resolve it :)

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