
I am trying to copy a bunch of directories. I have text files which have a similar name and I need to match the directories to those text files to determine which directories to copy.

This is what I have done and I can't figure out how to fix it. I am going around in circles.

$destination = "..\..\$args\Images\"
$txtfiles = Get-ChildItem $destination -Include *.txt
$source = "..\..\..\Images\" | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | Where-Object { $_.Name -Like "*$txtfiles*" } | Copy-Item $destination

An example of a txt file: 1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7a.txt

and folder: name.1e03655b-0aac-48b2-82f3-75942084af7a

So I need to find the folders that match the txt files and copy the folder to the txt file directory.


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You want to expand the BaseName properties of those text files (to cut off the .txt part) and have an array of strings such as:


Then your $source = line needs to pull a directory listing and not just pipe a string down the pipeline, and then I would suggest matching the directory names with a regex match, and checking to see if that match is -in $txtfiles.

$destination = "..\..\$args\Images\"
$txtfiles = Get-ChildItem $destination -Filter *.txt | Select -ExpandProperty BaseName
$source = "..\..\..\Images\"
GCI $source -Directory | ?{ $_.Name -match "(\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12})$" } | %{If($Matches[1] -in $txtfiles){Copy-Item $_.FullName $destination}}
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