
I installed the Emmet plugin in the Sublime text 3, and when I type 'function' in JavaScript syntax, the editor will autocomplete it into function function_name (argument) { // body... }, but I need to delete the space between the function_name and the argument.

Thank you.

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This is actually a built-in Sublime snippet, and is not related to Emmet. To override the default, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Preferences -> Browse Packages... to open a file explorer menu in your ST3 Packages directory.

  2. Create a new directory called JavaScript.

  3. Create a new file in Sublime with the following content:

        <content><![CDATA[function ${1:function_name}(${2:argument}) {
        ${0:// body...}
  4. Save the file as Packages/JavaScript/function-(fun).sublime-snippet - make sure you use this exact name, or it won't override the built-in snippet.

  5. Restart Sublime (just in case), and now when you're writing JavaScript and type funTab it will display:

    function function_name(argument) {
        // body...


You can make this even easier by installing Package Resource Viewer

  1. Press Ctrl-Shift-P to bring up Package Control
  2. type install hit Enter to bring up Package Control: Install Package
  3. type PackageResourceViewer hit Enter

To modify the Javascript function-(fun) snippet:

  1. Bring up Package Control again (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  2. type ope hit Enter to bring up PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource
  3. type js hit Enter to browse the Javascript package
  4. type fun& select function-(fun) and edit to your heart's content :)
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