
I'm building an iOS app that makes GET requests to a URL. For all the requests it makes, I build the url off a base URL and than add parameters using NSDictionary Key-Value_pairs.

I also use AFNetworking 2.0 to make the request - it builds the URL as well, with the NSDictionary keys supplied.

I have now run into a problem, where a web service I need to use, requires multiple keys to be the same, with different values. This functionality is not possible with NSDictionary

Which means I cannot run the web service successfully.

Here is an example of what I need the finally URL to look like -

The italic bit of the above URL is what I am trying to build using AFNetworking and NSDictionary. I suspect I will have to use something a little more advanced than NSDictionary to pull this off.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Found a half solutions if I set my NSDictionary Parameters like this with NSSet:

    [self.parameters setObject:[NSSet setWithObjects:@"12345",@"2345", nil] forKey:@"IncludedUserIds"];

This works as I need it to. However I have a follow up question:

The values need to be dynamically added to NSSet - how do I create an NSSet that can accept extra values at runtime?

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I managed to solve this issue:

I just created objects in my NSDictionaray like so:

    [self.myDictionary setObject:[NSSet setWithArray:self.myArray] forKey:@"myKeyNeeded];

The array has NSString objects in it and this seems to work perfectly. I used array instead of NSMutableSet due needing to remove objects easily enough from the NSDictionary.


Well yes you can since &IncludedUserIds=12345&IncludedUserIds=2345 should be the same as &IncludedUserIds=12345,2345

So just an array a value for the key in the paramaters dictionary.

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