
I have written a test, copying the official cypher query example from here and adding a needed cast. Then it fails with: java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11 cannot be cast to java.util.Iterator .... This is the code:

public void testCreateWithCypher() {
  ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(db, StringLogger.SYSTEM);
  try (Transaction transaction = db.beginTx()) {
    String cypher = "CREATE (x:Person {name: 'John'})" +
                    "RETURN x";
    ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(cypher);
    Iterator<Node> n_column = (Iterator<Node>) result.columnAs("x");
    for (Node node : IteratorUtil.asIterable(n_column)) {
      String nodeResult = node + ": " + node.getProperty("name");

Without the cast, it will not compile, since columnAs returns Iterator<Object>. What is this scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11 doing the by the way? I thought it extended java.lang.Iterator?

I just want an Iterator<Node> so that I can get stuff from the ExecutionResult. How can do that without the cast? My project uses these dependencies for ${neo4.version} = 2.0.1:

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You are probably using org.neo4j.cypher.ExecutionEngine instead of org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionEngine. The first one is implemented in Scala and you can't directly cast Scala objects to Java ones (AFAIK).

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