
I'm attempting to install Composer but I get the following error:

"Some settings on your machine make Composer unable to work properly. Make sure that you fix the issues listed below and run this script again:

The openssl extension is missing, which means that secure HTTPS transfers are impossible. If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl"

I have then gone into my php.ini-production and uncommented: "extension=php_openssl.dll"

This still doesn't work though, is there something else I have to do?

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I suspect "php.ini-production" is a dummy configuration file suitable for live environments. Do a php -i at the console and find the 'php.ini' path, to see where it is expecting the ini file to be kept. This is normally expecting "php.ini", and may not actually exist - if it does not, copy php.ini-development (or similar) to the location required.

This is near the top of (a very long) output, so you may find redirecting it to a file helpful (php -i > C:\phpinfo.txt).


You will also need to uncomment the extension dir. For example, find this line in your php.ini file:

;extension_dir = "ext"

Remove the semi-colon in front and save the file. I am sure this will work.

Remember to open your php.ini Administrator mode

After changing anything in php.ini you have to restart your server, make sure you did so first of all.

in WAMPserver edit this files:



D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\php.ini (based on version)

Do not use the php.ini in the WAMP server menu. It will not work. Go to the root of your wamp and as indicated above with D as root.

Make a php.ini (e.g. from php.ini-production), open it in an editor as admin (!), remove the commenting semicolon ; in front of extension=php_openssl.dll, set the extension_dir correctly, and save the file. After that it should be working. But once again: open and edit the php.ini as admin.

If you are using MAMP on Windows, you need to change the extension for php.ini-development to php.ini Then, paste this line ;extension_dir = "ext" into the php.ini file, before the first extension appear, and uncomment this other line ;extension=php_openssl.dll removing the prefixed semicolon. Dont't forget to restart apache

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