
I have a problem with passing Map parameters or object to Retrofit POST request.

I follow square, kdubb labs tutorials and this thread and I couldn't figure it out.

My current code which works:

public interface FacebookUser {
    void login(
            @Field("fb_access_token") String fbAccessToken,
            @Field("os") String os,
            @Field("device") String device,
            @Field("os_version") String osVersion,
            @Field("app_version") String appVersion,
            @Field("online") String online,
            Callback<FacebookLoginUserResponse> callback

and code:

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()

FacebookUser facebookUser = restAdapter.create(FacebookUser.class);
        "" + 1,
        new Callback<FacebookLoginUserResponse>() {
    public void success(FacebookLoginUserResponse facebookLoginUserResponse, Response response) {

    public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {

When I try to use this interface I receive from server that parameters are missing:

public interface FacebookUser {
    void login(
            @Body Map<String, String> map,
            Callback<FacebookLoginUserResponse> callback

and map:

HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("fb_access_token", getFbAccessToken());
    map.put("os", "android");
    map.put("device", Info.getAndroidId(getBaseContext()));
    map.put("os_version", Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
    map.put("app_version", Info.getAppVersionName(getBaseContext()));
    map.put("online", "" + 1);

Questions: What is it wrong? How can I pass object to request?

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Well, now we can implement this thing (version 1.5.0).

void getToken(
    @FieldMap Map<String, String> params, 
    Callback<FacebookLoginUserResponse> callback


In retrofit 2.0 you have to do this way:

    Call<UserLoginPost> userLogin(@FieldMap Map<String, String> params);

This feature is still not supported by the Retrofit 1.2.2, however you can compile your own version from the master branch with this feature or wait for the next release.


It's available in Retrofit version 1.5.0 ! (ref Anton Golovin answer)

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