
I have problem installing devdocs in my mac.
I tried to do the steps there but I'm stucked installing bundler.

I tried the following in the terminal:

gem install bundler //this worked
bundle install //this prints error: Bundler::GemfileNotFound

I already have the latest Ruby version required but still printing the same error.

I tried to execute bundle install in the path where the gemfile is still the same error.

I needed to install this in my pc for offline browsing. For those who successfully installed this in their mac machine, please help me.

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This error indicates that you're trying to run the command in a directory that does not contain any Gemfile. I think that in your local directory, you forgot to clone the devdocs Git repo. So go to your local devdocs directory and type:

git clone

Then go to this directory, and type the following commands:

bundle install
thor docs:download --all

That should work, and devdocs should be available at localhost:9292. If that does not, maybe your ruby version is too old (devdocs requires Ruby 2.1.0 or greater). In this case, I strongly recommend you to us rvm to update ruby (rvm install ruby-2.1.0).

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