
Is there way to create sql query on the fly with MyBatis? To concretize: I have a query, where part of it (but not parameter) needs to be created in the runtime:

         with dummy (id) as (
           values (#{rangeEnd}) union all
           select id - 1 from dummy where id - 1 >= #{rangeStart}   

The second part can be used as parameter, but, when trying the query as it is I get an exception:

[SQL0584] NULL or parameter marker in VALUES not allowed.

With plain JDBC I use MessageFormat:

PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
            MessageFormat.format(MY_QUERY, currentRange.getRangeEnd()))

, but I haven't found a way how to do it with MyBatis.

Was it helpful?


It's really easy (answer from Dynamic Select SQL statements with MyBatis):

with dummy (id) as (
           values (${rangeEnd}) union all
           select id - 1 from dummy where id - 1 >= #{rangeStart}   


Use @SelectProvider annotation:

public interface SqlMapper {
    static class PureSqlProvider {
        public String sql(String sql) {
           // Create your query here
           return sql; 

    @SelectProvider(type = PureSqlProvider.class, method = "sql")
    public List<Dummy> select(String sql);
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