
There are two tables: Purchase_Summary containing orderid, orderdate, userid

Purchase_Details containing itemid, orderid, category [this field contains the name of the category like “Books”,”Music”, to which itemid belongs] ItemPayment [this field contains the payment made for that particular itemid]

The column names are self explanatory. An orderid can have several itemids.

Question1: As an output we need a list of all orderids and their payments [remember the payment of an orderid will be sum of payment of all the itemids in that orderid]

Question2: As an output we need a list of all userid and the total payment received from them in the year 2013.

Question3: We need a list of all userids which have bought for more than 10,000 Rs. of value in 2012 but not bought at all in 2013.

Question4: As an output we need a list of all users who have in the year 2013, bought from category called le“Books” but not bought from category called “Music”.

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Please check the my solution.I am getting right results from below queries but if there is still ways to optimize the solution kindly suggest me.


select orderid, sum(itempayment)
from purchase_detail
group by orderid;


select a.userid, sum(b.itempayment) as totalpayment
from purchase_summary as a
left join purchase_detail as b
on a.orderid = b.orderid
where year(orderdate) = '2013'
group by userid;

Ans 3.

select userid
from purchase_summary as a
inner join purchase_detail as b
on a.orderid = b.orderid
where year(orderdate) = '2012'
and userid not in
(select userid
from purchase_summary
where year(orderdate) = '2013')
group by userid
having sum(itempayment) > 10000;


select userid
from purchase_summary as a
inner join purchase_detail as b
on a.orderid = b.orderid
where year(orderdate) = '2013'   
and category = 'Book'
and userid not in
( select userid
from purchase_summary as a
inner join purchase_detail as b
on a.orderid = b.orderid
where year(orderdate) = '2013'
and category = 'Music'
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