
Has anybody an idea whether the MCF framework, without using the MCBrowserViewController (will be handled via MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate and MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate methods), will have a maximum number of peers allowed or not? (at least there is no public property to set it)

(for the MCBrowserViewController the default / maximum value is 8, details can be found here:

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Had a second look into the MCSession header and did see that the limits being defined as constants (min = 2 and max = 8).

// Minimum number of peers in a session
MC_EXTERN NSUInteger const kMCSessionMinimumNumberOfPeers NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

// Maximum number of peers in a 
MC_EXTERN NSUInteger const kMCSessionMaximumNumberOfPeers NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);
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