
I have a very simple rewrite rule in a virtual host:

RewriteRule ^/?([^.]+)\.([^(htm)]+)$ /$1.htm [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/(someotherrule)$ /me [L]

Say a call a url:

I would expect the the rule to match and the url to be rewritten to

Instead I find this in my rewriteLog:

applying pattern '^/?([^.]+)\\.([^(htm)]+)$' to uri '/test.php'
applying pattern '^/(someotherrule)$' to uri '/test.php'
rewrite '/test.php' -> '/me'

Obviously there is something wrong with my first rewrite rule pattern, but I cannot see what exactly. Probably because I have a knot in my brain from lack of sleep. So if someone would be kind enough to take a second and point out my error, I would really appreciate it.

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You should replace the first rule, resulting in:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^[^.]+\.htm$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^/?([^.]+)\..*$ /$1.htm [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^/(someotherrule)$ /me [L]

Error is in [^(htm)], meaning that the file extension does not contain characters: (, h, t, m,) , not .htm as you expected.

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