
After reading this article Vaadin "A connector with id xy is already registered", I've try to implement the solution suggested by Jose Luis...

But I get this traces :

    at com.vaadin.server.AbstractClientConnector.markAsDirty(
    at com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent.setWidth(
    at com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSingleComponentContainer.setWidth(
    at com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent.setSizeFull(
    at com.vaadin.ui.UI.<init>(
    at com.vaadin.ui.UI.<init>(
    at my.package.ui.MyUI.<init>(

where line 72 corresponding to :

public class MyUI extends UI

Could someone can help to understand why these traces ?
I could provide more code if necessary.

Information :

public class MyUI extends UI {

    private final MyConnectorTracker tracker = new MyConnectorTracker(

    public ConnectorTracker getConnectorTracker() {
      return this.tracker;
Was it helpful?


public class MyUI extends UI {

  private MyConnectorTracker tracker;

  public ConnectorTracker getConnectorTracker() {
    if (this.tracker == null) {
      this.tracker = new MyConnectorTracker(this);
    return this.tracker;

This resolve the NullPointerException. It is too early to set tracker on the first call of UI.

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