
I have got this problem: I am trying to display weather info from Weatherground and I' m receiving this response:

"response": {
"features": {
"forecast": 1
    "txt_forecast": {
    "date":"10:52 CEST",
    "forecastday": [
    "fcttext":"Temporali. Max: 79º F. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.",
    "fcttext_metric":"Temporali. Max: 26º C. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.",
    "title":"Venerdì notte",
    "fcttext":"Pioggia e tuoni. Min: 62º F. Venti da ENE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 60%.",
    "fcttext_metric":"Pioggia e tuoni. Min: 17º C. Venti da ENE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 60%.",
    "fcttext":"Temporali. Max: 75º F. Venti da SSE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 90%.",
    "fcttext_metric":"Temporali. Max: 24º C. Venti da SSE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 90%.",

Using this code:

    $json_string =   file_get_contents("***/forecast/lang:IT/q/SW/Lugano.json");
     $parsed_json = json_decode($json_string);
     $date = $parsed_json->{'forecast'}->{'txt_forecast'}->{'date'};
     $named0 = $parsed_json->{'forecast'}->{'txt_forecast'}->{'forecastday'}->{'title'};
     $txtd0 = $parsed_json->{'forecast'}->{'txt_forecast'}->{'forecastday'}->{'fcttext'};

echo "$named0, $date: $txtd0";

(I would like to get something like: Friday, 10:52CEST: Rainy day...)

But the problem is that I cannot display a forecast because the values for the second period ( period:1) have the same names of the first one.

I tried to put the link in but it just shows me this: ...

               "fcttext":"Temporali. Max: 79º F. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.",
               "fcttext_metric":"Temporali. Max: 26º C. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.",
            {  },
            {  },
            {  },
            {  },
            {  },
            {  },
            {  }

So the question is, how can I separate the different period like this:

period0: $named0, $date: $txtd0

period1: $named1, $date: $txtd1

Because in the code i see no way to get the first or 2nd 'title' of the response

$named0 = $parsed_json->{'forecast'}->{'txt_forecast'}->{'forecastday'}->{'title'};

$named0 must get the value of the first 'title'

Thanky You and sorry for my english and my coding skills, I am still a newbie

Was it helpful?


'forecastday' is decoded as array, so ypou can access it by:

$name1 = $parsed_json->forecast->forecastday[1]->name;

I your notation (have not used/tried that) it might be:

$name1 = $parsed_json->{'forecast'}->{'txt_forecast'}->{'forecastday'}[1]->{'title'};

(The brakets do not go into the string / the '...') However, forecastday is an array, the others are Objects...


Like this:

  $data = json_decode('{"response": {"version":"0.1","termsofService":"","features": {"forecast": 1}},"forecast":{"txt_forecast": {"date":"10:52 CEST", "forecastday": [{"period":0,"icon":"tstorms","icon_url":"", "title":"Venerdì", "fcttext":"Temporali. Max: 79º F. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.","fcttext_metric":"Temporali. Max: 26º C. Venti da S variabili. Prob. pioggia: 80%.","pop":"80"},{"period":1,"icon":"nt_rain","icon_url":"","title":"Venerdì notte","fcttext":"Pioggia e tuoni. Min: 62º F. Venti da ENE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 60%.","fcttext_metric":"Pioggia e tuoni. Min: 17º C. Venti da ENE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 60%.","pop":"60"},{"period":2,"icon":"tstorms","icon_url":"","title":"Sabato","fcttext":"Temporali. Max: 75º F. Venti da SSE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 90%.","fcttext_metric":"Temporali. Max: 24º C. Venti da SSE variabili. Prob. pioggia: 90%.","pop":"90"}]}}}');

  foreach ($data->forecast->txt_forecast->forecastday as $forecast)
      echo printf("%s, %s, %s<br/>", $forecast->title, $data->forecast->txt_forecast->date, $forecast->fcttext);

Even though you've json_decode as an object, you can loop forecastday the same way you would for an array.

foreach( $parsed_json->response->forecast->txt_forecast->forecastday as $key=> $day )
    print( 'Period' . $day->period . ': ' );
    print( $day->title . ', ' );
    print( $parsed_json->response->forecast->txt_forecast->date . ' ' );
    print( $day->fcttext );

or you can access it directly like this:

$forecastzerotitle = $parsed_json->response->forecast->txt_forecast->forecastday[0]->title );
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