Make divs have a 20% width with padding in between each, but not to the left of the first or the right of the last



Let's say I've got this layout to build:

Assuming the text and the grid are within the same div, and therefor share a width of about 990px, how can I dynamically make this grid have equal width columns, without fixed widths?

I could set each div to width:20%, but then they'd line up directly next to each other instead of spaced out.

I could set each div to width: 20%, box-sizing: border-box, and padding: 0 20px, but then there would be a 20px gap between the edge of the lines and the edge of the first and last div.

I could set up each div to box-sizing: border-box;, width: 20% and padding-right: 20px, and then on the 5th div, set padding-right: 0;, but then the fifth div is wider than the rest.

I could set the first four divs of each row to box-sizing: border-box;, width:20.8%, the fifth to width: 16.8%, and then padding-right: 20px to all of them, but that math only works out at the 990px width.

Is there a better way to do this? I can't find any elegant solution.


Update: For a few minutes, I was interested in CSS3's column-count feature, but then I realized it only does top to bottom, not left to right, which is how I need this ordered.

Was it helpful?


Here's a non-Boostrap example I've sketched quickly.

Even though it uses the Bootstrap classes.

The trick is achieved by using the position: relative and box-sizing: border-box

It is also kinda responsive.


You should take a look at flexbox

How about using some extra divs as spacers? Fiddle


<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="spacer"></div>


div {
    background: #000;
    height: 200px;
    float: left;
    opacity: 0.2;
    width: 18%;

    opacity: 1;
    width: 2.5%;
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