
Im trying to update json array. If i have JSON like this one:


I can easily update an array like this.

val jsarrayUpdate = (__ \ 'value).json.update([JsArray].map{ o => o :+ Json.obj( "field243" -> "coucou" ) }


But I have simple array JSON without any key:


And was hoping to be able to edit it with this command:

val jsarrayUpdate2 = __.json.update([JsArray].map{ o => o :+ Json.obj( "field243" -> "coucou" ) }

This is not working nor is anything else I tried in the past two hours. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

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What about[List[JsObject]].map {i => i ++ Json.obj( "field243" -> "coucou")}

This will give you a List[JsObject]. If you need you can convert it back to JsArray with

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