
The following XML namespaces references are included in at the top of every new Xaml file.


The winfx/xaml/presentation holds references to a bunch of windows namesapces such as Windows.Navigation, Windows.Controls ect. The winfx/xaml namesapce always(usually by default) has the x alias or prefix. What does the winfx/xaml reference it seems to have a lot of the same elements that can be referenced from winfx/xaml/presentation. I have read the MSDN documentation and can find a list of assemblies associated with winfx/xaml/presentation but I am not sure what the point the winfx/xaml namespace is.

Can anyone explain?

EDIT: Like I said originally, I have read the MSDN docs and I am looking for a more granular answer. Example why can some elements be used interchangeably.

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XAML is not just used by WPF thus the seperation of the namespaces! The is stuff that is related to XAML and can be reused on other frameworks (Like WF, Silverlight & WCF) where as the contains stuff purely designed for WPF!!!


It is a namespace that contains XAML constructs and can be used outside the context of WPF. Details available here.

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