
I am required to send a query to the bank which contains a verification code $vk_mac in a specified string format. The code has to be a SHA1 hash and RSA encrypted with my public key and presented in base64 format. Unfortunately, so far, I have been unsuccessful - the bank gives me "Wrong signature" and that all the info I'm getting.

What I have is this:

$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
$encrypted = $rsa->encrypt(sha1($vk_mac));
$vk_mac = base64_encode($encrypted);

private_key.pem here is my private key in plain text. I tried setting the encryption mode to CRYPT_RSA_ENCRYPTION_OAEP without luck. I am 99.9% sure, that the starting $vk_mac string is formatted correctly and contains all the required details.

Does anybody have any idea what can I be doing wrong? Thank you.


I've changed the code to this (where vk_mac is the starting formatted string that needs to be signed and private_key.pem is my the decoded private key):

$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
$hashed = $rsa->hash->hash($vk_mac);
$encrypted = $rsa->sign($hashed);
$signature = base64_encode($encrypted);

I can tell the generated signature is correct, since when I do this:

$verified = $rsa->verify($hashed, base64_decode($signature));

$verified returns TRUE.

The bank though, responds "Incorrect signature". Any more ideas?



VK_MAC control code calculation

VK_MAC, for electronic signature, using in the request, for checking and confirming used version of the algorithm, indicated in the parameter VK_VERSION. In this time version 008 is used. VK_MAC is presented as a request parameter in BASE64 coding.

Version 008

The value of the MAC008 function is calculated using the public key algorithm RSA. Values of empty fields are taken into account as well – “000”.

MAC008(x1,x2,…,xn) := RSA(SHA-1(p(x1)|| x1|| p(x2 )|| x2 || … ||p(xn)||xn),d,n)

Where: || is an operation of adding the string x1, x2, …, xn are the query parameters p is a function of the parameter length. The length is a number in the form of a three-digit string d is the RSA secret exponent n is the RSA modulus The signature is calculated in accordance with the PKCS1 standard (RFC 2437).

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Solution 2

The code was almost correct - I did not need to hash it again though (thanks @Accipitridae).

The solution was that the merchant's ID had to be uppercase, and not lowercase as provided. It does not say anywhere in the spec that it has to be uppercase as well. Nice.


What if you try $rsa->sign()? PKCS#1 doesn't do signing by simply encrypting the hash and if your bank is using an interoperable RSA solution they're probably not doing that either.

As mentioned above you can do this easily with openssl. Below is how I would do so.

$hashed = sha1($vk_mac);
openssl_public_encrypt($vk_mac, $encrypted, ($pubkey));
$vk_mac = base6$_encode($encrypted);

Read the documentation on openssl_public_encrypt for more.

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