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How to use Invoxia’s Voice Bridge to receive calls made to your Landline?

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We human beings are always encircled by electronic gadgets everywhere in today’s time. The invention of newer technologies escalates our obsession towards gadgets. In a nutshell, we are on the verge of developing an unquenchable thirst for gadgets.

Speaking of gadgets, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind might perhaps be a phone. Whether, it may be a landline phone, a feature phone or even a Smartphone, these devices have been one of the basic human necessities of the current era. As a result, we end up having a lot of these devices.

How to Mobilize Landlines

Sometimes, it becomes a painful errand to manage calls you make and receive on both your Smartphone as well your landline phone. To be more specific, our very active lifestyles do not simply allow us to invest too much time on managing phone calls and connectivity.

Won’t it be a great relief, if we could make and receive calls from two different connections on a single device? Imagine, if you could stop worrying about missed calls on your landline whenever you are not at home.

Well! May be you can! In what could be termed as the perfect synchronization possible between mobile phone users and landline users, the telecom solution provider, Invoxia, has come up with a great solution- a wireless working device to solve the ‘landline phone management’ problem.

Presenting, the Voice Bridge by Invoxia

It’s all about going wireless today. The innovators at Invoxia, after conducting deep and extensive research have invented the revolutionary Voice Bridge. This is the ultimate solution to get rid of all the hassle, that you face due to your landline phone.

The Invoxia’s Voice Bridge from basically links your landline phone to your iPhone. By incorporating this amazing product within your home or your work place, you will never miss a call again. Now, you can make and receive all your landline calls from your iPhone. Your landline phone won’t hold you back anymore. You would be completely ‘mobile’, in true terms.

The Form Factor and Dimensions

This square shaped Voice Bridge is indeed a compact sized dev compact-sized small that it could literally fit into your palm. It has a surface area of just 3.13 inches square and is only around 0.8 inches in thickness.

What do we get?

Of course, we get the Voice Bridge inside the box. Along with this, we also get a power adopter for powering up the Voice Bridge. We also get an RJ45 Ethernet cable to connect it to a modem and a telephone cable to connect it to a landline phone.

How to use the Voice Bridge?

Using the Voice Bridge is as easy as a cake walk. Just power it on through the given power adopter, connect it to your home network via the provided Ethernet cable, connect it to your phone line through the given telephone cable and the connections are complete.

A companion app is available on the Apple App store for the Invoxia’s Voice Bridge. Invoxia is planning to launch a companion app for Android devices also in the near future.

You just have to download the companion app from the App store and you are good to go. Once downloaded, the companion app will guide you through a quick and easy setup process. Just fill in the required details and you are configured.

Using The Device

When the configuration process is completed successfully, you will automatically start getting your landline calls on your phone. Now, you can easily answer or decline any incoming call made to your landline phone on your Apple device as long as you are connected to the internet.

Moreover, you also have the option to make calls from the companion app. However, it may take a few seconds for the app to make a call. This delay may be caused due to the transfer of data between the land line to the internet and vice versa.

Other Key Features

The Invoxia’s Voice Bridge can be connected to a maximum number of 5 devices. Yes, you can share within your family. Whenever somebody makes a call on your landline telephone, all the devices connected to the Voice Bridge will start getting the call at the same time.

A handy and very useful feature of the Voice Bridge is the ‘intercom tool’ that is provided within the companion app. This nifty tool interconnects all the devices that are paired with the Invoxia’s Voice Bridge. On getting a call, this intercom tool provides the name and the phone number of the caller in all the connected devices. Of course, this depends on the available Caller ID data.

Though the Voice Bridge does not come with an in-built wifi network interface module, you can always connect it to a Wi-Fi router via the Ethernet cable to connect it to the internet.

Advantages over Rivals

There are plenty of other applications software and solutions that are available across the App store and the internet to make low cost and free voice calls. There is even a great number of traditional VoIP products that let users forward landline based voiced calls to your Smartphone.

Still, the area where the Invoxia’s Voice Bridge shines is perhaps the ability to make voice calls through your Smartphone using your landline number with no extra charges involved. This is one of the unique features of this device.

The Invoxia’s Voice Bridge is still in the developing stage and has a long way to go. This device has the potential to attract a huge amount of customers, once the Android version of the companion App gets released.

The Invoxia’s Voice Bridge is indeed a very promising device and is the first of its kind. But, as most number of landline users have already switched to cellular phones, the market for this device is already limited.

This device may not be targeted to a huge number of customers. But, it could surely be a boon for its targeted costumers. This device will perhaps find its place mostly in different organizations and various corporate offices. This is a very minimalistic device, but, is perfect at doing its job.

Published on 20-Jan-2020 16:56:43
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