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Online Tutoring Trends


If you want to succeed in your career, you need to keep learning and be up-to-date with the new technologies. To remain in touch with the upcoming technologies and concepts, you need to learn. The easiest and best way to learn new skills is to learn in your own time and in your own comfort. Most of the online teaching is done using videos, as it is a great medium to make it interactive. To enable the learning online, we have some good tutoring websites, let us see few of them −


TutorialsPoint gives you space where you can learn using examples. It is very easy to understand the concepts with the help of varied examples and very nicely explained videos. It also provides various blogs and articles to read about the latest trends and technologies.

With so many great options, you can just learn anything related to technology, soft skills, management and many other emerging topics online. It is one of the most used medium to learn about a complete concept or just a part of it.


It is a meeting place for those who want to learn and for those who want to teach. It is a free portal for trainers and students with a huge list of topics to learn from. The mode of teaching is through videos and these can be accessed either through mobile or through the web. The instructors can decide the price of their class. It is extremely easy and very flexible to use. It also allows uploading powerpoint presentations for free to view.


CodeAcademy is a website dedicated to coding technologies. It helps the learners to have live practice sessions to understand the code. In CodeAcademy, the learners can view the lesson, and practice along with that. It also gives you a centralized dashboard where you can monitor your progress. The website is well organized and helps in following the lessons very easily by providing the practical recommendations


Udemy provides free as well as paid courses at various levels. It is having a wide range of courses. The courses offered are more aligned to engineering and technology and a good number of short courses for small business owners. The courses are targeted for the professional people who wants to upgrade their resume with new skills. The experts or the subject matter experts can create their own courses or chargeable or free basis.


Lynda is currently the most marketed website for online learning. Lynda is a paid site is having an active collaboration with the LinkedIn. It teaches with the help of videos. It is a paid site with nominal pricing plans of about $20 and $30. However, Lynda also provides occasional free access for specific durations.


It is another online platform, which provides online videos for learning on various topics. Edureka has a huge base and focuses on quality. It also follows daily feedback mechanism in case of instructor-led online training. It caters the needs of professionals who want to upgrade their skills to improve their career prospects.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit website portal where you can find various courses starting from Kindergarten and ranges from finance to animation to history. It is founded by Salman Khan in 2006. It is free to use and offers free learning resources for all ages on many subjects, and free tools for teachers and parents to monitor progress and coach students.


It is a venture of Naukri.com that focuses on the learning needs of class 1st -12th of various boards like CBSE, ICSE etc. It provides various test papers and helps you in tracking the progress of the students. It also provides the study material and test packs for various entrance exams. This website is quite handy for the students preparing for board exams.


Coursera provides contents from across the world and has collected material from various museums, universities, and other institutions. It works with various top universities and colleges across the world. They offer students free classes on an astounding variety of topics. Students can browse through the huge list of available topics, that are classified under distinguished subjects. They can either focus on a particular topic or the complete lesson.


If you want to learn about any web technology like HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML etc., it is better to learn from the experts. W3schools is managed by W3C, who co-ordinates and manages the web languages like HTML, CSS, JS, XML and is a free website. Hence, it is having all the latest updates and the information. The students can learn and practice on the website itself. They can also give the test and can get a certificate by giving a small fee.


eDX is an online learning portal which hosts online university-level courses in the variety of topics on the free as well on a chargeable basis. This portal also does research in the online learning accessibility by its users. It is a non-profit organization and runs on open-source software. It imparts lessons with the help of small videos. And allows the students to practice side-by-side.

There is further a huge list of online portals, which provide various resources for online tutoring. It is difficult to talk about all of them in a single article. More or less, all of them provide a trial plan, which can help in assessing whether the students should go ahead for the paid plan. These portals have a huge list of topics and the students can choose any topic of their interest and learn it online. They generally have educational videos or instructor mode to impart the training and some of them provide a certificate at the end of the training, after a quiz or a test.

The zest of this is, if you want to learn something new, there are multiple options on the internet now. Getting a teacher to teach that course has become easier with online e-learning websites. There are so many free options, that getting an education has become accessible. With a wish to learn and practice, these simple tools can help in achieving multiple dreams. So, Keep Learning!

Published on 17-Jan-2020 15:22:57
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