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5 tips for balcony gardening

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Who says living in an apartment building is to go without the joy of gardening. You can have beautiful flowers, veggies and fragrant plants in your balcony. In fact, choosing fragrant and insect repellent plants can make your home smell heavenly, look beautiful, lively and pest free.

Balcony gardening depends primarily on the capacity of the balcony and exposure to sun light. This would mean you need to make the right choice for your pots and plants. And these right choices of décor adds a lot of beauty, style and freshness to your very own balcony garden.

Tip 1 − Judge Balcony strength

First and foremost, look at your balcony and judge whether it can take the weight of the pots and plants you have in mind. If you can walk in your balcony, then it can take the weight of flowers plants and herbs with light weight pots. If it can take seating then you can go for veggies as well.

Tip 2 − Choose the right pots

Once you know how much load your balcony can take, it is important to choose the right size and type of pots that go well with the balcony size. If the size of the balcony is small, use a combination of small pots, vertical gardening and hanging pots so that you can use the complete space to put as many pots as possible. If the balcony is larger you can choose bigger pots and pot stands.

Nowadays it is easy to search online for nurseries and a wide variety of creative and beautiful pots, pot stands and hanging ports. Find below some of pot stands and hanging pots available on online stores like amazon.com, fabfurnish.com and pepperfry.com.

Tip 3 − Choosing the plants

Each individual plant can grow to different heights and one can be bushier than the other. The amount of soil required will be different for different plants.

For smaller balconies choose climbing flower plans for decorating walls , ferns and herbs for your balcony to make it elegant and for easy maintenance . If the size of your balcony is big you can also choose veggies like tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. You can make use of vertical gardening to accommodate more plants.

Tip 4 − Exposure to sunlight

It is natural that different plants need different amounts of sunlight to help them with the photosynthesis process. Choose plants like spinach, chick peas, basil and rosemary for shaded areas , Petunia, Callistemon, Thymus caespitius ,cheery tomatoes and Blanket flowers for sunny areas.

Tip 5 − Garden decor

As storage is a big problem in balconies, choose creative and artsy gardening tools and kits to display. Many garden decor accessories are available in market like lamps, colored stones, wind chimes, artificial plant pots and more. Here are some available online.

I will come up with vertical gardening, container gardening, recycled gardening, eco-friendly gardening, awesome tips to decorate gardens and choice of plants to make gardens gorgeous and pest free. Keep watching the same space for more.

Published on 16-Jan-2020 10:51:42
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