
Does anyone know about Karl Shifflett's Mole for VS 2010?

Was it helpful?


They released it today. @ only 49.00 for 3 activations its a bargain! :)


This is from May 20th 2010 in comments:

We are working on Mole 2010.

The videos for this version are a problem. Silverlight Streaming was shutdown. So for now you can view them here:

That seems to be the most current update I can find, given the changes in the VS ecosystem with plugins, it's a fair amount of work to do the port. Also, given he has other projects like XAML Power Toys going on, this is probably still underway.

The guys over at Mole have put out a trial version -


October 16, 2010 at 4:33 am Karl Shifflett says:

Mole 2010 will be released in early November. We have put SO much work into this product. We are code complete, working on a nice web site, new videos and docs.

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