In the latest launched AppInventor is it necessary to connect a phone to PC for building the app?


  •  14-09-2020
  •  | 


I have downloaded the appinventor_extras_setup.exe from net and installed the complete package. But whenever I type the URL it starts asking a survey.. Is that because I haven't connected my phone with the PC.. What if I m a developer with an android phone.. can't I use appInventor?

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Solution is taking applications to get involved with App Inventor. It is in a limited beta release right now. I and others are waiting patiently for our opportunity to play with App Inventor, as Google processes the invitations.

If you downloaded appinventor_extras_setup.exe from anywhere other than, it may not be an authorized copy.

Is that because I haven't connected my phone with the PC

It is probably because you are not part of the beta program.

What if I m a developer with an android phone.. can't I use appInventor?

Fill in the survey and wait to join the beta program.


Now that some time has passed ;-)

The App Inventor invites are getting processed pretty fast.

You do not need an Android phone. There is an emulator that does a lot.

I use the emulator that comes with the Android SDK from Eclipse rather than the one you install if you follow the installation instructions for AI.

It's not open yet. You need to register to it, and they may send you an invite to the beta when it starts.

The header to the "survey" is pretty clear:

« We will be granting access to App Inventor for Android over the coming weeks. Fill out this form (only your Gmail address is required) and we’ll have you building apps soon! »

It is necessary to have your Android phone attached to use the appinventor app and to use appinventor at this time you need to be part of the beta

I agree with previous answers, but it stated that you need an Android device to be able to download the applications to.

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