
I want to use CCNetRequestSource wich is the name of the trigger wich launch the Msbuild task. For exemple when "toto" trigger is exected i want to launch the "toto" target on MsBuild. Is it possible ? It's for a nightly build, i want to create MSI file and doc at this time, i created the specific target in MSBuild but i don't found how to execute it only when a specific trigger is throw.

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There is msbuild syntax that should help you with this. Take a look at the following links:

You should try adding a facade build file for CruiseControl to call that will delegate to your solution files with a construct similar to the following:

<Project xmlns="">
            <!-- If the toto CCNETRequestSource was submitted -->
        <When Condition="'$(CCNetRequestSource)'=='toto'">
                <Target Name="toto">
                    <MSBuild Projects="MyProject.sln" Properties="Configuration=Debug" Targets="toto" />
            <Otherwise><!-- Place your standard build call here --></Otherwise>


I make it like this :

            <Project DefaultTargets="Integration" xmlns="">

            <Configuration Condition="'$(CCNetBuildCondition)' == 'ForceBuild'">Release</Configuration>
            <Configuration Condition="'$(CCNetBuildCondition)' != 'ForceBuild'">Debug</Configuration>
      <Target Name="Integration" DependsOnTargets="ConstruireSolution;FaireDoc">
      <Target Name="ConstruireSolution" >
    <!-- with first build -->
<MSBuild Projects="MyBuild.sln" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" Targets="Clean;Rebuild" />

    <Target Name="FaireDoc" Condition=" '$(CCNetRequestSource)' =='FaireDoc'">
    <!--Build to add when FaireDoc trigger is fired -->
<MSBuild Projects="C:\CI\Plateforme\Documentation\Doc.shfbproj" Targets="Build" />

I choose this solution because i always need the first build :) the second target is a sandcastle project to lunch only at night :)

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