
I want to implement a chat site with following features:

  1. Direct one-on-one chat with a randomly picked stranger
  2. If my conversation partner gets disconnected, I should be shifted to different stranger

In short, I want to imitate

Which language is best suited to this task? Jsp and Java? PHP? ASP? Others?

Should all of the messages go through the web server, or is there a better approach?

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You may want to look into Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Ryan Dewsbury's book "Google Web Toolkit Applications" actually runs you through the process of writing a basic chat application.

GWT lets you write Java code that is compiled into Javascript for AJAX applications.


I wrote an AJAX Chat tutorial years ago at:

I also did a JSON version of it too:

Those are written in PHP but the back end is really simple so you can port it to whatever language you want easily. Here's a version that I converted to ASP.NET

It works pretty much like Omegle, all you need to do is setup the code to randomly select a stranger.

I recently created a chat script using PHP + AJAX. Yes, all of my chat messages went through the server because it used AJAX and server-side PHP scripting to deliver the messages to the recipient(s).

For an example of a PHP chat script, see:

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