
I'm querying a Twitter RSS feed and supplying the results into a Repeater for display. I'd like to only get the first 5 results of the XPath query. Is there a way to do that in the XPath syntax or do I have to loop over the resulting XmlNodeList to pull out the first 5?

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(rssPath);

XmlNodeList items = doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item");

rptTwitter.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptTwitter_ItemDataBound);
rptTwitter.DataSource = items;
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Try this XPath query instead:

(/rss/channel/item)[position() <= 5]

It returns only the first five matching items. The parentheses are important, as without them the [position() <= 5] part applies to the item element's position in its parent rather than its position in the result node set.


If you want to continue using xpath then you should look at the position() method in xpath. Using a predicate something like this...

[position() < 6]

... should result limit the results to only the first 5 items. Welbog's answer is your best reference here (+1 to Welbog).

However, if you're able to use .NET 3.5 then I would recommend you look at my answer here...

What is the coolest thing you can do in <10 lines of simple code? Help me inspire beginners!

... and take a look at the syndication APIs that make dealing with RSS feeds much easier. Then, if you only want 5 items, use the LINQ method Take on the collection to take a specific number of items.

This will allow you to express yourself better and not have to worry about the structure of the feed, namespaces etc.

I realise this isn't directly answering your question but as many people don't know about these new APIs in .NET I thought I'd mention them here.

So, your code to get just 5 items would be something like this...

var xmlr = XmlReader.Create("")
var first5Items = SyndicationFeed
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