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Differences between Black Box Testing vs. White Box Testing.

Software TestingTesting ToolsAutomation Testing

As we know that testing is the most important stage in the process of delivery of any application or software as it is only testing which not only validate the quality of an application but also provides an opportunity to the developer to improve its product.

Every application is being developed in some high or low level language which means some code has been written for its development so on the basis of knowledge to the tester about the application there is classification of testing namely Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.

Following are the important differences between Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.

Sr. No.KeyBlack Box TestingWhite Box Testing
1DefinitionBlack box testing is the testing model in which the tester do not have the knowledge about the internal implementation of the application and testing performed by tester is at very high level that focuses on the behaviour of the application.On other hand White box testing is the testing model in which tester is aware of internal implementation of the application and does the testing on the basis of that.
2Also known asBlack box testing in programming world is also known with other terms such as data-driven, box testing, data-, and functional testing.On other hand White box testing is also called structural testing, clear box testing, code-based testing, or glass box testing.
3TypeBlack box testing is the type of testing in which testing is based on external expectations as internal behaviour of the application is not made provided to the tester.On other hand White box testing is the type of testing in which internal behaviour is known to the tester and hence he can test accordingly.
4AutomationAutomation is hard to practice in case of Black box testing as he is unaware of internal implementation of the application and for which there is dependency on the developer.On other hand in case of White box testing automation is easier to implement as tester is well known with internal implementation of the application and hence he can automate the test cases accordingly.
5ExpectationExpectation from Black box testing is that it makes a clear vision about the functionality of the application with external input parameters with its report.While user does White box testing with the expectation that this testing will also check the quality and performance of the application by executing the code of the application.
Published on 10-Jan-2020 10:44:54
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