
i have added this code

        iTunes.OnPlayerPlayingTrackChangedEvent += new _IiTunesEvents_OnPlayerPlayingTrackChangedEventEventHandler(iTunes_OnPlayerPlayingTrackChangedEvent);

and this code

private void iTunes_OnPlayerPlayingTrackChangedEvent(object iTrack)
        if (iTunes.CurrentTrack != null)
            if (iTunes.CurrentTrack.Artist != null & iTunes.CurrentTrack.Album != null & iTunes.CurrentTrack.Name != null)
                artist = iTunes.CurrentTrack.Artist;
                album = iTunes.CurrentTrack.Album;
                title = iTunes.CurrentTrack.Name;

                if (!NowPlaying.IsBusy)

to my app thats programmed in c# but its not catching when the song changes. Am i Missing Something?

is there any other way to catch iTunes track changed event?

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Solution 3

I figured out a way to make it work.

First of all I added a timer

Then every 1 second it checks

if (iTunes.CurrentTrack.Artist != artist | iTunes.CurrentTrack.Album != album | iTunes.CurrentTrack.Name != title)
 //Code to update UI here
//Nothing Here! this is just so your the app doesn't blow up if iTunes is busy. instead it will just try again in 1 second

that's it :)


You're actually subscribing to the wrong event to capture this info.

Here is a code snippet that will give you what you want:

        iTunesApp app = new iTunesApp();

    public Form1()
        app.OnPlayerPlayEvent += new _IiTunesEvents_OnPlayerPlayEventEventHandler(app_OnPlayerPlayEvent);   

    public void app_OnPlayerPlayEvent(object iTrack)
        IITTrack currentTrack = (IITTrack)iTrack;
        string trackName = currentTrack.Name;
        string artist = currentTrack.Artist;
        string album = currentTrack.Album;


You should use "or", not "and". In your code, it will only report if the artist and the album and the songname change. Is that what you want? (because if I play another song in the same album, the UI won't update).

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