
I am on Resharper 4.x and VS2008.

R# seems to slow down the living crap out of VS2008. And of course, the memory usage can easily go to 500MB on a middle of the road Winforms solution with 7-8 projects.

Now that Resharper 5.x is out, can anyone tell me whether either perf or memory issues have been improved for use with VS2008?

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I believe R#5 memory usage is better than the earlier versions but still too slow for me. I'm using it with VS2010 on a decent machine (quad core, 7200rpm HDD, 4GB ram). Using a solid state drive might help.


It is faster, and not so hungry for RAM, but I have tweaked its code inspection a bit.

I am on Resharper 6.1, and there are still OutOfMemoryException issues. JetBrains claims this is an issue with Visual Studio process fragmentation.

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