
How does InterlockedIncrement work?

Is the concern only on multi-processor systems?

What does it do, disable interrupts across all processors?

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jcopenha is correct, but I just wanted to answer to "Is the concern only on multi-processor systems?"

I don't know which Interlocked are you using. If you mean the c++ one, then on a single-core you "should be" safe to do "++x" if x is not bigger than your "bitness". I write "should be", because compiler can optimise it in some strange way in the function - for example change two "++x" into a normal "add ...,2" in a completely different place and some of your multithreading logic may fail because of that. On a multicore, even ++x on a 32-bit x can have weird effects (the instruction can be "inc mem", or "lock inc mem" and when you increment one mem address from two cpus when it's not locked, you get strange results).

If the "bitness" of your x is higher than your cpu, then you need interlocked in any multithreaded code - doesn't matter if it's single- or multicore, because that instruction has to be compiled into two asm codes anyways and the context switch might happen in between. (this can be fixed with RCU though)

In .NET it's basically the same story, but you have overloaded Increment, instead of Interlocked... and Interlocked...64.

So yeah - whenever you write multithreaded stuff (even on a single-core), just use the interlocked increments on shared memory. It's not worth trying to be "smarter" than machine here.


InterlockedIncrement works by using machine level instructions to increment and store a value in an atomic manner. Meaning no operation can be performed on the value and the storage location during the process.

It is of concern any time multiple threads or processes or accessing the same value. So a shared variable in a multi-threaded application, or shared memory for multiple processes.

I don't believe the instruction disables interrupts, at least on x86 type hardware.

InterlockIncrement is definitely the way to go if you are concerned by performance: InterlockIncrement increments a specified variable and stores the result, as an atomic operation(MSDN) passing the variable is passed by reference(Interlocked.Increment(ref increment)). With ++, the value is passed by address causing an round trip in memory every time the instruction is called.

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