
How can I enumerate through all the key/values of a FormCollection (system.web.mvc) in ASP.NET MVC?

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Here are 3 ways to do it specifically with a FormCollection object.

public ActionResult SomeActionMethod(FormCollection formCollection)
  foreach (var key in formCollection.AllKeys)
    var value = formCollection[key];

  foreach (var key in formCollection.Keys)
    var value = formCollection[key.ToString()];

  // Using the ValueProvider
  var valueProvider = formCollection.ToValueProvider();
  foreach (var key in valueProvider.Keys)
    var value = valueProvider[key];


foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ValueProviderResult> kvp in form.ToValueProvider())
    string htmlControlName = kvp.Key;
    string htmlControlValue = kvp.Value.AttemptedValue;
foreach(var key in Request.Form.AllKeys)
   var value = Request.Form[key];

In .NET Framework 4.0, the code to use the ValueProvider is:

        IValueProvider valueProvider = formValues.ToValueProvider();
        foreach (string key in formValues.Keys)
            ValueProviderResult result = valueProvider.GetValue(key);
            string value = result.AttemptedValue;

I use this:

string keyname;
string keyvalue;

for (int i = 0; i <= fc.Count - 1; i++)
    keyname = fc.AllKeys[i];
    keyvalue = fc[i];

hope it helps someone.

And in VB.Net:

Dim fv As KeyValuePair(Of String, ValueProviderResult)
For Each fv In formValues.ToValueProvider
    Response.Write(fv.Key + ": " + fv.Value.AttemptedValue)
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