
I have an XML file

<TAG string1="asdf" string2="asdf" >
</TAG >

I want to extract the string2 value here.. and also I want to set it to a new value..

How to do that?

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Use XPath expressions

use strict;                                                                                                                      
use warnings;                                                                                                                    

use XML::LibXML;                                                                                                                 
use Data::Dumper;                                                                                                                

my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string(q{                                                                                      
    <TAG string1="asdf" string2="asdfd">                                                                                         

my $xpath = '/PARENT/TAG/@string2';                                                                                              
# getting value of attribute:                                                                                                    
print Dumper $doc->findvalue($xpath);                                                                                            
my ($attr) = $doc->findnodes($xpath);                                                                                            

# setting new value:                                                                                                             
print Dumper $doc->findvalue($xpath);                                                                                            

# do following if you need to get string representation of your XML structure
print Dumper $doc->toString(1);                             

And read documentation, of course :)


You could use XML::Parser to get the value as well. For more information refer to the XML::Parser documentation:

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Parser;
use Data::Dumper;

my $attributes = {};

my $start_handler = sub
    my ( $expat, $elem, %attr ) = @_;
    if ($elem eq 'TAG')
        $attributes->{$attr{'string1'}} = 'Found';

my $p1 = new XML::Parser(
        Handlers => {
            Start => $start_handler


print Dumper($attributes);

I think you might be better off starting with XML::Simple and playing around a little first:


use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Simple;

my $xml = XMLin(\*DATA);

print $xml->{TAG}->{string2}, "\n";

$xml->{TAG}->{string2} = "asdf";

print XMLout( $xml, RootName => 'PARENT');

<TAG string1="asdf" string2="value of string 2">

Thanks for your responses. I found another answer in "Config file processing with LibXML2" which I found very useful.

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