
$.getJSON('…'+ query1 + '&callback=?',
  function(data) {
    alert('JSON data string 1 is: '+data); 
    $.getJSON('…'+ query2 + '&callback=?', 
      function(data1) {
        alert('JSON data string 2 is: '+data1); 
        for(var i=0; i "less than" f1.length; i++)
          for(var j=0; j "less than" f2.length; i++)
            if (f1[i] == f2[j])
        $('#content').append(''+common.length+'');//this line is not working though....... 

In this piece of the line


doesnt show the output actually it the page hangs

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank You

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Don't nest the calls. You also avoid some memory issues where javascript maintains a copy of all local variables for every anonymous function. By making the two calls separately you can also perform both calls at once instead of sequentially.

This is a better method if I understand your purpose. Plus by polling gotA and gotB you can even make a nice little "waiting for A, waiting for B" notification for users.

Edit: Added for loop fix from previous answer.

var gotA, gotB;
var followingA, followingB;
function getCommonFollowers(user1, user2)
    gotA = false;
    gotB = false;
    jQuery.getJSON('…'+ user1 + '&callback=?', gotFollowersOfA );
    jQuery.getJSON('…'+ user2 + '&callback=?', gotFollowerOfB );
function gotFollowersOfA(data)
    followingA = data;
    gotA = true;
    if (gotB) {
function gotFollowersOfB(data)
    followingB = data;
    gotB = true;
    if (gotA) {
function compareFollowersAB()
    for(var i=0; i < f1.length; i++) {
        for(var j=0; j < f2.length; j++) {
            if (f1[i] == f2[j]) {
                //console.log("Adding f1[i]");


Your second for loop increments i instead of j.

You dont declare any of your vars which may lead to scope issues etc.

Can you paste your actual code, its a tough ask to expect anyone to diagnose the issue without your script.

Also create a demo of the issue at or while your at it.

You should definitely use Great Turtle's recommendations, but since I tried it anyway, here's a modified version of your code that does work:

        var query1 = 'user1';
        var query2 = 'user2';
        var data;
        var data1; 
        var f1;
        var f2;
        var common = [];
        var c = 0;

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $.getJSON('' + query1 + '&callback=?', 
                function(data) { 
                console.log('JSON data string 1 is: ' + data); 
                $.getJSON('' + query2 + '&callback=?', 
                    function(data1) { 
                    console.log('JSON data string 2 is: ' + data1); 
                    for(var i=0; i < f1.length; i++) {
                        for(var j=0; j < f2.length; j++) {
                            if (f1[i] == f2[j]) {
                                //console.log("Adding f1[i]");

The main fix was that your 2nd for loop, as previously mentioned, used i++ instead of j++, so your loops were going crazy.

Note that I changed your alert calls to console.log, so make sure you're using Firefox with Firebug installed, or simply replace the console.log with your alert again.

shouldn't it be with 'http://' ?


Declare the variable common outside the json functions.

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