
I read a answer the gem fetch answer on this question is-it-possible-to-download-a-ruby-gem-without-installing-it-automatically. But windows I do not always get the windows gem.

Using gem install gosu --remote installs the windows version Successfully installed gosu-0.7.15-x86-mswin32-60.

When downloading using gem fetch gosu I get Downloaded gosu-0.7.15 which is the linux version and can not be installed on my windows PC.

Asking for the specific gem with gem fetch gosu-0.7.15-x86-mswin32-60 and similar tries yields ERROR: Could not find gosu-0.7.15-x86-mswin32-60 in any repository

Any ideas as to how to get the correct version for my PC when using fetch versus install?

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$ gem fetch --help
Usage: gem fetch GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...] [options]

    -v, --version VERSION            Specify version of gem to fetch
        --platform PLATFORM          Specify the platform of gem to fetch

  Local/Remote Options:
    -B, --bulk-threshold COUNT       Threshold for switching to bulk
                                     synchronization (default 1000)
    -p, --[no-]http-proxy [URL]      Use HTTP proxy for remote operations
        --source URL                 Use URL as the remote source for gems

  Common Options:
    -h, --help                       Get help on this command
    -V, --[no-]verbose               Set the verbose level of output
    -q, --quiet                      Silence commands
        --config-file FILE           Use this config file instead of default
        --backtrace                  Show stack backtrace on errors
        --debug                      Turn on Ruby debugging

    GEMNAME       name of gem to download

    Download a gem and place it in the current directory

    --version '>= 0'

You should be able to do

$ gem fetch gosu --platform x86-mswin32

Or simply go to the download page.

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