
I've gotten used to , when i press


that whenever i type a space, it gives me a hyphen and yet I'd like to use icicles, so is there a way to change it so that whenever i type space, it gives me a hyphen?

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(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map   
 " " "-") 
(define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map   
 " " "-") 



Just customize user option icicle-completion-key-bindings:

 M-x customize-option icicle-completion-key-bindings

By default, in that option value there is a binding of the space character key (printed as SPC but used as " " in key bindings) to command icicle-self-insert --- remove that binding entry. You can also add a binding for the space key to option icicle-word-completion-keys, if you like.

However, my advice is to leave SPC as a self-inserting character (likewise, ?). Even vanilla Emacs has started to make a space char self-inserting, at least for file names...

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