
I've set up a new Rails 2.3.2 app and added the Basecamp API ruby wrapper to my /lib directory from here:

In my application_controller.rb I have created the following method to enable calls to Basecamp:

def basecamp_connect
  Basecamp.establish_connection!('xxxxxx', 'xxxxxx', 'xxxxxx', false)
  @basecamp =

Can somebody provide an example of how I access the API from a controller to retrieve a list of To Do lists across all active Basecamp projects?

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It's based on ActiveResource, so luckily your code will look a lot like AR model code.

This should find all todo items for your basecamp:


You can also get all TodoLists from a given project, and specify if they're completed or not, using a method they've added to the TodoList class. To find all lists for a given project, for example, just use:

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