
This is part of the XML I want to edit

   <Name> Name of Event <Name>
   <Other Elements>

I need to modify the Name of the Event.

I am able to delete the node using remove_child. But I dont know how to add another element at the same spot.

This is my code:

   public function editEventName($oldEventName, $newEventName){
        $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
        $events = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("Event");
        foreach($events as $event){
            $eventNames = $event->getElementsByTagName("Name");
            $eventN = $eventNames->item(0)->nodeValue;
            if($oldEventName == $eventN){
                $nud = $eventNames->item(0)->parentNode;

                // set name to $newEventName
Was it helpful?


A solution, if I understand the question correctly, might be to just overwrite the value of $eventNames->item(0)->nodeValue, without trying to remove the node and add a new one.

For instance, using your code, and modifying a little so it works for that simpler case :

$str = <<<XML
   <Name> Name of Event </Name>
   <Blah>glop glop</Blah>

$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$events = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("Event");
foreach($events as $event){
    $eventNames = $event->getElementsByTagName("Name");
    $eventN = $eventNames->item(0)->nodeValue;
    if(' Name of Event ' == $eventN){
        $eventNames->item(0)->nodeValue = 'New name';

Will get me :

string '<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <Name>New name</Name>
   <Blah>glop glop</Blah>
' (length=119)

And the value of the Name of the Event has been replaced by "New name".

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