
In Introduction to Algorithms, Lemma 4.4 of the proof of the master theorem goes like this. $a\geq1$, $b>1$, $f$ is a nonnegative function defined on exact powers of b. The recurrence relation for $T$ is $T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n)$ for $n=b^i$, $i>0$.

For the third case, we have $f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_ba +\epsilon})$ for some fixed $\epsilon>0$ and that $ af(n/b)\leq cf(n)$ for fixed $c<1$ and for all sufficiently large $n$. In this case, $T(n) =\Theta(f(n))$ since $f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_ba +\epsilon})$.

I was wondering if the condition that $f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_ba +\epsilon})$ is unnecessary since the regularity condition $ af(n/b)\leq cf(n)$ for all $n>n_0$ for fixed $c<1$ and for some $n_0$ implies that $$ \begin{align*} f(n)&\geq m\left(\frac{a}{c}\right)^{\log_b(n/n_0)} \text{ where } m=\min_{1\leq x\leq n_0}{f(x)}\\&\ge\left(\frac{n}{n_0}\right)^{\log_b(a/c)}=\Theta(n^{\log_ba +\log_b(c^{-1})})=\Theta(n^{\log_ba +\epsilon}). \end{align*} $$ This will hold as long as $f(n)$ is non-zero. Hence $f(n)=\Omega(n^{\log_ba +\epsilon})$. Therefore we merely need to add the condition that $f(n)$ is positive for all but finitely many values of $n$ for case 3. Am I correct about this?

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Yes, your sharp observation is completely correct.

To be compatible with the highly strict style shown at section 4.6, Proof of the master theorem of Introduction to Algorithms, here is the complete proposition and a slightly more rigorous proof. It seems that the proof in the question ignores the requirement that $f$ is defined only on exact powers of $b$.

(Regularity implies lower-bounded by a greater-exponent polynomial.) Let $a\geq1$, $b>1$ and $f$ be a nonnegative function defined on exact powers of $b$. Suppose $af(\frac nb)\leq cf(n)$ for some fixed $c<1$ and for all sufficiently large $n$. Furthermore, $0 < f(n)$ for all sufficiently large $n$. Then $f(n) = \Omega(n^{log_ba +\epsilon})$ for some fixed $\epsilon>0$.

Proof. There exists some $n_0>0$ such that $af(\frac nb)\leq cf(n)$ and $0 < f(n)$ for all $n\ge n_0$. We can assume $n_0$ is an exact power of $b$ since, otherwise, we can replace $n_0$ by $b^{\lceil\log_b{n_0}\rceil}$.

Let $n\ge n_0$ be an exact power of $b$. So $n = n_0b^m$, where $m=\log_b\frac n{n_0}$ is an integer since both $n$ and $n_0$ are exact powers of $b$. Applying $af(k/b)\leq cf(k)$ multiple times, we get

$$f(n) \ge \frac acf(\frac nb) \ge (\frac ac)^2f(\frac n{b^2})\ge \cdots \ge (\frac ac)^mf(\frac n{b^m})=(\frac ac)^mf(n_0)$$

Since $$(\frac ac)^m=(\frac ac)^{\log_b\frac n{n_0}} =(\frac n{n_0})^{\log_b\frac ac}=(\frac n{n_0})^{\log_ba-\log_bc}=c_0n^{log_ba+\epsilon}$$ where $\epsilon=-\log_bc > 0$ and $c_0=(\frac1{n_0})^{log_ba +\epsilon}$ are two constants, we have

$$f(n) \ge c_0f(n_0)n^{log_ba +\epsilon}.$$ So, $$f(n)=\Omega(n^{log_ba +\epsilon}).$$

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