
I noticed I can't embed inline javascript in an SPO 2013 Web Part page, but can reference a library.

I'm outputting a table from that js. If I put alerts that table displays but then disappears once the code proceeds.

Any way to do this without jsrender?

Suspect the table needs to be in the embedded markup code.

This is a function in a jquery library i reference in SiteAssets.

                url: 'https://xxxx/SearchValues/' ,
                data: 'SearchData=' + searchData,
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: 'json',
              //  jsonp: 'jsonp-callback',
                success: function (data) {
           //       alert("before write response");
                error: function (x, y, z) {
                    alert(x + '\n' + y + '\n' + z);

            //Display results  in a table
            function WriteResponses(SitesList) {
                var strResult = "<table border='1px'><th width='20px'>ID</th><th width='100px'>TITLE</th><th 

width='100px'>FARM</th><th width='250px'>URL</th><th width='100px'>OWNERS</th><th width='200px'>ADMINISTRATORS</th>";
                $.each(SitesList, function (index, oSite) {
                    strResult += "<tr><td>" + oSite.LS_ID + "</td><td> " + oSite.LS_TITLE + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_FARM + 

"</td><td>" + oSite.LS_SITE_URL + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_OWNERS + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_ADMINISTRATORS + "</td></tr>";
                strResult += "</table>";


    function WriteResponses(SitesList) {
        var strResult = "<table border='1px'><th width='20px'>ID</th><th width='100px'>TITLE</th><th width='100px'>FARM</th><th 

        width='250px'>URL</th><th width='100px'>OWNERS</th><th width='200px'>ADMINISTRATORS</th>";
        $.each(SitesList, function (index, oSite) {
        strResult += "<tr><td>" + oSite.LS_ID + "</td><td> " + oSite.LS_TITLE + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_FARM + "</td><td>" + 

        oSite.LS_SITE_URL + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_OWNERS + "</td><td>" + oSite.LS_ADMINISTRATORS + "</td></tr>";
        strResult += "</table>";
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One of the ways to achieve the same result is to use knockout.js.

You can use knockout.js and populate the data using a foreach loop in a observable array. And in the Web-Part you need to map the knockout data member.

This is good because you will use object oriented JavaScript and MVVM. And code will be little less. Please check the following code:


var my = my || {}; //my namespace
my.ListItem = function () {
    this.LS_ID = ko.observable();
    this.LS_TITLE = ko.observable();
    this.LS_FARM = ko.observable();
    this.LS_SITE_URL = ko.observable();
    this.LS_OWNERS = ko.observable();
    this.LS_ADMINISTRATORS = ko.observable();
//My View Model
my.vm = function () {
    Listdata = ko.observableArray([]),
    PopulateListdata = function(SitesList){
        $.each(SitesList, function (index, oSite) {
            Listdata.push(new my.ListItem()






    return {
        Listdata: Listdata,
        PopulateListdata: PopulateListdata


<script src='" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<div id='divResult'> 
<table border='1px'>
    <th width='20px'>ID</th> 
    <th width='100px'>TITLE</th> 
    <th width='100px'>FARM</th> 
    <th width='250px'>URL</th> 
    <th width='100px'>OWNERS</th> 
    <th width='200px'>ADMINISTRATORS</th> 
    <tbody data-bind='foreach: Listdata'> 
            <td data-bind='text: LS_ID'></td>
            <td data-bind='text: LS_TITLE'></td> 
            <td data-bind='text: LS_FARM'></td> 
            <td data-bind='text: LS_SITE_URL'></td> 
            <td data-bind='text: LS_OWNERS'></td> 
            <td data-bind='text: LS_ADMINISTRATORS'></td> 

I forgot to attach the KO refrence. I have updated it . Please check.

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