
We are using Estimation and Time Tracking plugin for Trac.

I want to create the query that would show all additions of hours to tickets (As in Add Hours to Ticket).

Let's say we have developers: John, Fred and Peter and tickets Foo and Bar. I want to see something like this:

Ticket  Developer   At      HoursTotal
Bar     John        11:00   0.8 hours
Bar     Fred        10:13   2.0 hours
Foo     Peter       09:50   1.0 hours
Foo     John        09:00   0.5 hours
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Silly me, something like that is included in the plugin. But this is what will create the table above:

 SELECT AS ticket,
   t.summary AS summary,
   ticket_change.time AS datetime,
   newvalue AS HoursTotal
 FROM ticket_change
 JOIN ticket t ON = ticket_change.ticket
 WHERE field = 'hours'
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