
My System.log if full of Notices..

2016-03-11T08:23:39+00:00 ERR (3): Notice: Undefined offset: 0  in /var/../app/code/local/Magerevol/Brands/Block/Prodpage.php on line 29

I know what cause this notice, I know how to fix it and it's good that those notices are written in System.log.

The cause that this notice appear is that I forgot to add an image in some places on product pages...

lirics... The question is: How can I find the exact frontpage product url which caused this notice?

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In your app/code/local/Magerevol/Brands/Prodpage.php before line 29 you can do the following, I assume it's an array problem and line 29 contains some code like this:


To find out the product that's causing problem you can do:

if (array_key_exists(0,$array))
    // Do what's your code is supposed to do
    Mage::log("This product is missing something:".Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl());


If you go to the file mentioned in the log - /app/code/local/Magerevol/Brands/Block/Prodpage.php on line 29

Here you can add your own logging, the line should be throwing some sort of exception, wherever it fails, add the following:

$logger = Mage::getModel('core/log_adapter', 'my.log'); $logger->log(Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl());

Now, next time the error occurs you will get the current URL logged in your new log file (var/log/my.log)

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