
What is the best way to parse large texts (5000 words and more), searching names, that are stored in a database? The texts will be multi lingual.

My first idea is a rather naive approach, taking all words beginning with a big letter and compare them against the database. But this tends to fail in texts containing lowercase letters only.

Edit The texts are not static, but dynamic (e.g. web sites)



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You can use the Aho-Corasick algorithm, and construct a dictionary with the names that you are trying to match. It's linear in the number of tokens in the text plus the number of matched names.

You will need a dictionary of names.

Or you can try that knows quite a large collection of names.

I made a method for replacing multiple strings in a large text here: A better way to replace many strings - obfuscation in C#. Perhaps you can use the same principle.

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