
Any idea why CFFILE Write does not support making it unique but CFFile Upload does?

I'm using CFFILE Write to handle a GetHttpRequestData, and being able to support making it unique would be very helpful. Any ideas?

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Well, it doesn't. You'll have to roll your own unique names by first checking if the file exists and if it does, then add on some additional character(s) and repeat check/add until you've found something unique.

Alternatively, you always prepend something that ought to be fairly unique (e.g. date-time-incremental number).


try something like this

    i = 1;
    myPath = 'D:\webroot\sap\returns\log';
    myFileName = orderNumber;
<cfloop condition="fileExists('#myPath#\#myFileName#.xml')">
        myFileName = '#orderNumber#_#i#';
        i += 1;
    <cfif i GT 100><cfbreak /></cfif>

<cffile action="write" file="#myPath#\#myFileName#.xml" output="#xmlString#"  />

How about using CreateUUID() as filename?

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