
So, I want to create a teacher-degree (1:m) table. I have this example:

One professor has 3 degrees.

This is the actual string I have(multiple of these actually):

B.A, 1983, University of China; M.B.A, 1999, University of Taiwan; Ph.D, 1999, University of Southern California,

The fields are: professorID, degreeType, degreeYear, Institute

The expected table data:

Prof-13434, B.A, 1983, University of China

Prof-13434, M.B.A, 1999, University of Taiwan

Prof-13434, Ph.D, 2003, University of California

That is my goal, I have tried everything but I cant figure anything out. Trying to go from one string to multiple records is harder than I thought.

Was it helpful?


Just to be clear:

Each degree has:

Position 1) Degree Type Position 2) Year Position 3) Univerity / College

Item 4) There can be more than 1 degree or only 1 degree.

Other Criteria: Each entire section is separated by a ';' (semicolon) each subsection is separated by a comma.
No other commas are in the string?

Here's the code.

Declare @TestName as varchar(500)
Declare @Pos1 as int
Declare @Pos2 as int
Declare @Pos3 as int
Declare @Pos4 as int

Set @TestName = 'B.A, 1983, University of China; M.B.A, 1999, University of Taiwan; Ph.D, 1999, University of Southern California,'

---Start loop
--Get the position of the first 'comma'
Select @Pos1= PATINDEX('%,%',@TestName)

--Get the position of the second 'comma'
Select @Pos2= PATINDEX('%,%',Substring(@TestName, (@Pos1+1), (Len(@TestName)-(@Pos1+1))))

--Get the position of the end section.
Select @Pos3= PATINDEX('%;%',Substring(@TestName, (@Pos2+@Pos1+1), (Len(@TestName) )))

SUBSTRING(@TestName, 1, @Pos1-1) as DegreeType, 
lTRIM(SUBSTRING(@TestName, @Pos1+1, @Pos2-1)) as GradYear,
SUBSTRING(@TestName, @Pos1+@Pos2+1, @Pos3-1) as University

-- Reset the value of @TestName so you can loop start over.
Set @TestName = SUBSTRING(@TestName,@Pos1+@Pos2+@Pos3+1, Len(@TestName) - @Pos3+1)

--Shows you what is left.
Select @TestName
--Loop End

You'll still need to build loop and the above code is in SQL Server but it should translate across if you are using another database system.


You can make it with LOCATE() as above:


# String
SET @Str='B.A, 1983, University of China; M.B.A, 1999, University of Taiwan; Ph.D, 1999, University of Southern California,';
# First ;
SET @POS1=LOCATE(';',@Str);
# Second ;
SET @POS2=LOCATE(';',@Str,@POS1+1);
# Proffesor
SET @PROF="INSERT INTO yourdb.yourtable SELECT 'Prof-13434',";
# Query
SELECT REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2),';',"';\n");
            IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(LEFT(@Str,@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
            IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS1+2,@POS2-@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
                                        MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2)),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''));

Of course you can do the same with a populate table.


  1. Setting the @Str variable;
  2. Setting the first position of ;.
  3. Setting the second position of ;.
  4. Setting the @PROF variable, is a mix of the INSERT INTO with the fields that will help you to populate your table.


mysql> # String
mysql> SET @Str='B.A, 1983, University of China; M.B.A, 1999, University of Taiwan; Ph.D, 1999, University of Southern California,';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> # First ;
mysql> SET @POS1=LOCATE(';',@Str);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> # Second ;
mysql> SET @POS2=LOCATE(';',@Str,@POS1+1);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> # Proffesor
mysql> SET @PROF="INSERT INTO yourdb.yourtable SELECT 'Prof-13434',";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> # Query
mysql> SELECT REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2),';',"';\n");
| REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2),';',"';\n") |
| Ph.D, 1999, University of Southern California,           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    -> IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(LEFT(@Str,@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
    -> IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS1+2,@POS2-@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
    -> CONCAT(MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2),';'),
    -> MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2)),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''));
IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(LEFT(@Str,@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(MID(@Str,@POS1+2,@POS2-@POS1),';',"';\n"),', ',"', '"),''),
IFNULL(REPLACE(REPLACE(IF(MID(@Str,@POS2+2,LENGTH(@Str)-@POS2) NOT LIKE                          |
| INSERT INTO yourdb.yourtable SELECT 'Prof-13434','B.A', '1983', 'University of China';
INSERT INTO yourdb.yourtable SELECT 'Prof-13434','M.B.A', '1999', 'University of Taiwan';
 INSERT INTO yourdb.yourtable SELECT 'Prof-13434','Ph.D', '1999', 'University of Southern California,';
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


You can also test it here: SQLFiddle.

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