
I'd like to work on a 2-3 month long project (full time) that involves coding in C++ and is related to networks (protocol stacks). I was considering writing my own network stack but that doesn't seem as interesting. It would be great to find an idea to implement a tcp/ip-like stack for distributed system/GPUs that is better as far as network performance goes. I have been googling this for 3 hours but haven't come across anything that seems worth spending 2 months on. Open source projects like netperf seem beyond my scope. I'd really like a relatively small stand alone project that I can work on, at my own pace. The intent of this project is to utilize my free time on a project (that I might later release under open source license) and gain expertise and hands-on experience in C++, networks, parallel programming, GPU, distributed systems etc.

I seem to have hit a roadblock while finding ideas (or perhaps I am not too clear on what I exactly what to do). So any suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks!

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If you are specifically interested in doing network programming with an emphasis on distribution and GPU/graphics stuff, you may want to check out the open source (GPL) CIGI project (sourceforge project site:

CIGI is an open simulation protocol for communication between a host device and IG (image generator). The Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) is an interface designed to promote a standard way for a host device to communicate with an image generator (IG) in the simulation industry.

CIGI is a fairly active project on sourceforge, initiated and backed by BOEING, and is multi-platform software:

The goal of the Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) SG is to evaluate industry and government interest in developing a standard image generator interface. Typically, today's Image Generator (IG) vendors have their own closed, proprietary run-time interfaces. At I/ITSEC'02, Boeing proposed their Open Source Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) as a run-time interface that could be adopted by the simulation community. Boeing indicated that they would like to see a standards organization adopt CIGI and develop it into a robust and broadly accepted simulation industry image generator run-time interface standard. The SG is discussing this proposal, evaluating alternatives, and generating recommendations and a proposed action plan.

Here's some wireshark-based info on CIGI


Have you tried Ace Wrappers. It provide well tested pattern based C++ implementation for distributed network programming.

Do distributed audio/video with SCTP. Extend an Open Source SIP client and/or server to use SCTP to scale better.

You could do a project on ad-hoc communication networks between vehicles. There is an open-source traffic simulation model called SUMO which you can leverage. The wiki for SUMO lists a bunch of existing research and tools that you can use as a starting point:

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